Blog Posts

Using Your Smartphone to Detect Gait Asymmetries: A Step Towards Affordable Healthcare

In today’s world, smartphones are more than just communication tools. With built-in sensors like accelerometers and gyroscopes, these devices are revolutionizing healthcare by offering affordable...

Revolutionary Approaches to Cybersecurity in Healthcare: ENTRUST, SEPTON, and MedSecurance

At the following link:, an online seminar will take place, presenting the latest developments from the ENTRUST, SEPTON...

Co-Creation Strategies for Breast Cancer Prevention within the MELIORA Project Framework

In the co-creation workshop of the MELIORA project, organized by INCLIVA and the European Health Management Association (EHMA), various stakeholders from across Europe participated, including breast...

AI4Work: Innovative Approaches for Improving Working Conditions through Human and Technology Collaboration

The AI4Work project aims to radically improve working conditions by promoting collaboration between humans, artificial intelligence (AI), and robotics across a range of sectors, including industry...

Backend as a Service vs Custom Backend

Backend as a Service (BaaS), is a service model that provides web and mobile app developers with an  easy way to quickly setup and deploy their app’s backend. They usually provide services such...

Press Release – TEAM Project Partners Convene for Crucial Transnational Meeting in Brussels

The Telemedicine Education Advancement through Micro-credentials (TEAM) project reached a significant milestone on 17 September 2024 with a transnational project meeting held in Brussels, hosted by...

Plenary Meeting of the MedSecurance Project in London

The MedSecurance plenary meeting took place in London on September 10-11, supported by Doccla, one of the project partners. This gathering brought together professionals and stakeholders to evaluate...

Apache Airflow

The rapid and continuous development of technology introduces new and promising challenges, which enhance research and implementation of Information Systems that serve this purpose. An outgrowth of...

Enhancing Cybersecurity in Modern Healthcare: The MedSecurance Initiative for Securing Medical Devices

The MedSecurance project is dedicated to addressing emerging challenges in the field of information security, with a particular emphasis on medical devices, including both hardware and software...
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