Integrated NBS-based Urban Planning Methodology for Enhancing the Health and Well-being of Citizens: the euPOLIS Approach.

Urban planners and engineers are integrating nature-based solutions (NBS) to address contemporary environmental, social and economic challenges. The EU-funded EuPOLIS project will deploy natural systems to enhance public health and well-being and create resilient urban ecosystems. It will design a structured approach that integrates existing natural and engineered urban systems and define their joint social, cultural and economic effects. The project will aim to regenerate and rehabilitate urban ecosystems to create inclusive and accessible urban spaces.

It will address key challenges such as low environmental quality and low biodiversity in public spaces, water-stressed resources and undervalued use of space. The project’s solutions will be tested in four cities: Belgrade, Lodz, Piraeus and Gladsaxe.

BioAssist, as Project Partner, will implement the integration of the HeartAround application into the euPOLIS platform, providing accurate recordings of vital signs, activity, presence, and other critical users’ information, serving the changing needs of the health-centric communication services. Also, HearthAround will be upgraded to include serious games and affective computing features for assessing the mental and emotional status of the participating citizens.